Green Fashion at the Green Man Festival

“Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.” (Jn 6:12)

In late August, Jenn and I attended the Green Man Festival in Wales, UK. While representing the Fashion Department of the University of South Wales, Jenn, her colleague Emma, and several of their students facilitated upcycling workshops with industry partners Hiut Denim and the Sustainable Studio.

It was my first time at the festival, and so I was surprised to find myself carrying a Guest Pass, chatting with ITV Wales News presenters, and visiting the behind-the-scenes Press Tent for the recording of a podcast.

The workshops were a great success, with festival goers of all ages dropping by to give new life to old garments, and create personal DIY zines from mainstream magazines, in a space that offered opportunities to reflect, to experiment, and to play.

Since the Green Man Festival trades on that mysterious alchemy where mud is transformed into music and memory, it was fitting to see so many discarded and forgotten objects tailored for a bright future.

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