The joy of reading Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy

I have a new routine. Since finishing my duties at the university where I work, I have been dividing my time between applying for full-time academic posts and working on a manuscript for Ibidem’s Samuel Beckett in Company series.

I rise early and prepare myself a light breakfast with a cup of green tea. I check the news headlines with a sense of stoic resignation. And then I spend some time reading and writing. After finishing Stephen King‘s The Stand a week or two ago I moved on to William Peter Blatty‘s notorious novel, The Exorcist, and then found myself completing Georges Bernanos‘ excellent Diary of a Country Priest.

Yesterday morning, I restlessly searched among my books for another novel to read. Something that might pique my interest. As someone with a tendency to collect books, there is never a shortage of titles to choose from. Among the contenders were Émile Zola‘s Germinal, and both of Gustave Flaubert‘s novels, Madame Bovary and Sentimental Education. But I stopped on Leo Tolstoy‘s Anna Karenina. I am an avid reader of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but have never read Anna Karenina before. Somewhat ridiculously, I own two translations of the novel: the recent Pevear and Volokhonsky edition that drew critical attention and acclaim, and a 1912 translation by Louise and Aylmer Maude. According to my Everyman’s Library edition, the latter were a Quaker couple that befriended Tolstoy while living in Russia, and helped him organise the Doukhobor migration to Canada in 1893. I also find in their short biography that they “share[d] many of Tolstoy’s views on spiritual life, moral obligation, and passive resistance to violence”. I picked up the Louise and Aylmer Maude translation and began reading.


I am rediscovering the joy of reading. Anna Karenina is not only beautifully written, but riveting from the first page. I often forget that the serial format of the nineteenth-century novel lends itself to regular sparks of excitement, intrigue, and suspense (not unlike a twenty-first century television miniseries, which tend to be structured according to similar devices). As a result, I’m finding it very difficult to put down.

Tolstoy has a wonderful knack for dialogue, and is an incredibly perceptive observer of human psychology and behaviour. The novel comprises several stories that weave in and out of each other, and there is never a dull moment. So far, sitting down each day with Anna Karenina has been an absolute pleasure, and I look forward to seeing where it goes next. A part of me cannot believe that I didn’t pick it up sooner.


  1. I read Crime and Punishment and War and Peace during a 4 month stay in hospital with typhoid when I was 22. Since then the only Russian literature I read was Solzhenitsyn until recently. I have now read Anna Karenina, The Brothers Karamazov, Demons and The Idiot and I like them in that order. I now have 2 splendid background books Dostoyevsky in Context and Bakhtin’s Problems of Dostoyevsky’s Poetics n, of course, the wonderful bio of Dostoevsky by Joseph Frank. Where is it going to end? I’m now totally hooked and looking forward to making the acquaintance of Turgenev, Chekhov, Pushkin and Gogol all of whom I have only just cursorily met recently through the medium of the short story.

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  2. That’s a nice drawing of Tolstoy reading! I’m a big Tolstoy lover, I read most of his work in Dutch, but for the sake of my blog I have downloaded an English version of War and Peace, the Maudes’ translation, and I think it’s very good, not least because of the great notes, but also because they knew Tolstoy and understood him. The last time I read Anna Karenina a couple of years ago, it struck me how accurate his psychological insight is, it’s like he’s looking inside your head. The structure of the novel, with its’ cliffhangers, as you say, make it a real masterpiece that’s a joy to read. I hope I’ll never get tired of Tolstoy..


    • I read (and enjoyed) War and Peace in the Anthony Briggs translation a few years back, but I am now seriously considering getting my hands on the Maude Everyman edition and reading it again. (Incidentally, those Everyman’s Library editions are fantastic value for money!)

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